Amazônica Energy has developed solutions for the supply of LNG via ISO-Tanks to independent power producers, small industries, and mining companies operating in the Amazon.

The LNG will be supplied by international companies with LNG break bulk facilities in the United States and Central America, transported in ISO-Tanks to the city of Manaus, where there are extremely well-structured ports for operations with ISO-Containers.

The logistics services for transporting the ISO-Tanks between Manaus and the end customers will be carried out by inland shipping companies with which Amazonica Energy has commercial partnerships.

​​​The first natural gas trade operation to be carried out by Amazonica Energy in the state of Amazonas with ISO-Tanks is scheduled to start in the 2nd half of 2021.

1. LNG loading in ISO-Tanks, Central America or the United States.

3. LNG delivery to end customers' facilities with local storage and regasification stations

lng small scale

2. Delivery of ISO-Tanks in Manaus and transport to other cities via inland navigation logistics